Self-hosting Distributed Press


Distributed Press uses Ansible (opens in a new tab) to make setting up your own Distributed Press instance fast and simple.

These scripts can help you deploy Distributed Press on your own VPS via SSH.

The default playbook will deploy your instance and set up all the appropriate Firewall configurations to allow Distributed Press to work properly.

Please ensure you have both Python 3 and Ansible installed before proceeding with the setup steps.

The deployment scripts work best on Debian 11 but should also work on Ubuntu 22.

If you don't have a machine set up or aren't sure where to get started we recommend using a Digital Ocean Droplet (opens in a new tab) with at least 4GB of ram (though 8 GH can help if you have a lot of IPFS traffic).


  1. Edit inventory.yml to specify your own domain to run the scripts on as well as any variables you wish to set.

    Specifically, you must specify the distributed_press_domain do be your server, and your distributed_press_letsencrypt_email for registering the HTTPS certificate. You may specify a list of domains in distributed_press_served_sites which specifies which domains you'd like to serve over HTTPS in addition to the peer-to-peer protocols.

  # Set custom variables here, like custom ports for listening
    distributed_press_domain: ""
    distributed_press_letsencrypt_email: ""
    distributed_press_served_sites: []
          ansible_user: root
  1. Install the dependencies

    $ ansible-galaxy install -r ./requirements.yml
  2. Execute the playbook

    # execute the Ansible playbook with user defined variables
    $ ansible-playbook distributed_press.yml -i inventory.yml
  3. Generate an "admin token"

First, SSH into your instance with ssh

Then run the following:

# stop the service so we can update its database
sudo systemctl stop
# switch to the "press" user
su press
# navigate to the distributed press codebase
cd ~/
# Create a new admin account and get a token for them
npm run make-admin
# Copy the output of this command, this is what you'll need to make new publisher tokens
# switch back to `root` user
# start up distributed press again
sudo systemctl start

Make sure to save that token somewhere secure and secret like a password vault in your OS or a service like Bitwarden (opens in a new tab).

This will be used to create any new admins or publishers and do administrative tasks.

  1. Generate your first "publisher token"

Now that we have your admin account, you can create a new "publisher" for making sites.

Navigate to your Distributed Press instance and go to /v1/docs which will open up the Open-API interface to talk to your instance.

From here click the Authorize button and enter your admin token from step 4.

Next go to section titled POST /publisher and click "Try it out".

Replace the text "string" with some sort of name or domain. e.g. if your publisher is Hypha, you can use for their name.

Then hit Execute to create the publisher.

Copy the id field from the response and place it in the issuedTo field in the POST /v1/auth/exchange API. Make sure to remove admin from the set of capabilities.

Hit Execute and send the resulting token to your publisher to use in either API calls or in the Distributed Press Github Action.

Steps - Social Inbox

If you're interested in publishing your site on the Fediverse (opens in a new tab), you can also self host your own instance of the Distributed Press Social Inbox.

  1. Go through steps 1 & 2 for the Distributed Press API

  2. Modify the vars section of your inventory.yml to enable the inbox. You MUST supply a new domain for the social_inbox_domain field for the domain the inbox will be hosted on.

  # Set custom variables here, like custom ports for listening
    distributed_press_domain: ""
    distributed_press_letsencrypt_email: ""
    distributed_press_served_sites: []
    social_inbox_enabled: true
    social_inbox_domain: ""
          ansible_user: root
  1. Run the playbook to deploy

    # execute the Ansible playbook with user defined variables
    $ ansible-playbook distributed_press.yml -i inventory.yml

From here you can make use of the Jekyll Plugin (opens in a new tab) or use the social inbox APIs directly from your code.


After SSHing into your VM you can use these commands to get you started:

  1. Check the status of the service: systemctl status
  2. Follow the logs of the service: journalctl -fu
  3. sudo su press switch to the "user" and cd ~ to tinker with the data and source code manually.